Video: Fashion & the Coronavirus panel

Thank you to our panelists and attendees at our first online event! The complete video is above. We tried to answer as many questions as we could either in the group chat or in our discussions, but more responses and resources will follow soon!
If you are an attorney seeking continuing legal education credit from New York or a state with New York reciprocity, you can receive CLE credit whether you saw the livestream or watch the event on demand. Simply email us for the CLE materials link/password; fill out this official form, including the special codes announced at various points during the session; and email the completed to (If you've already emailed it to a different address, you don't need to email it again — we monitor all of our email addresses!)
For those watching the video on demand, the opportunity to request CLE credit is available.
DATE: Friday, March 27, 2020
TIME: 9:30 - 10:45am NYC time
NYS CLE: 1.5 hours professional practice,
transitional and non-transitional
Fashion & the Coronavirus
"Going viral" was the most sought-after metaphor of the millennium -- until a real virus stopped the world from turning. Our hearts go out to all who have suffered during the current crisis, whether directly through illness or indirectly through upheaval in our personal and professional lives.
We all want to reach out and contribute what we can at this difficult time. For the Fashion Law Institute, that means connecting with you, our global community, and offering a free online event with CLE credit for attorneys and information for everyone.
The coronavirus has of course raised many concerns throughout the fashion industry, from managing production and the supply chain to re-reading contracts, changing retail's try-on culture, closing stores, canceling events, and shifting work online, all the while maintaining continuity with regard to brand protection and other legal matters.
If this moment in history has an (antimicrobial) silver lining, it's that we can come together to share solutions for the issues at hand and the rebuilding that is still to come.
The coronavirus may have a regal name, but cooperation is humanity's crowning glory.
Be well, and we hope to see you at our 10th annual symposium, now in September!
- Diana Bernal, Retail consultant
- Nancy Bishai, APP Group (MACKAGE and SOIA & KYO)
- Cristina Del Valle, Metropolitan Museum of Art
- Karyn D. Jefferson, Benjamin Moore & Co.
- Tony Kim, Hero Within
- Don M. Obert, The Obert Law Firm
- Jeff Trexler, Moda Legal
- Gary Wassner, Hilldun
- Moderator: Professor Susan Scafidi, Fashion Law Institute