Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Edition: *New York: May 27 - May 31, 2025TitleName *FirstLastEmail *Firm/organization/affiliation *MobileCity/CountryRésumé or LinkedIn Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Transcript (if current student or graduate from 2021 or later - unofficial copy OK) Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Photo Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Personal statement - Why are you interested in joining us for Fashion Law Bootcamp? (200 words or less) *How did you hear about this event?Fashion Law institute's websiteFriend or colleagueFacebookSearch engineOther:DepositA $250 deposit is due with the application. The deposit is applied toward the program cost and is non-refundable (unless not accepted into the program, in which case the deposit is refunded). If you prefer check, money order, or wire transfer, please let us know and we'll provide the requisite information!Total$ 0.00Remittance Method - Secure!StripePayPal (appears after form is submitted)Credit CardCard NumberSecurity CodeName on CardExpirationMM123456789101112/YY2526272829303132333435GDPR Agreement *Click here to acknowledge that it's OK for us to store the information provided above - of course, your credit card information is encrypted and neither disclosed to nor stored by our site. Our privacy policy is below; for more on the GDPR, check out the official explanation from the EU! PhoneSubmit Application